“Take small, deliberate, correct actions daily.”

- J. Martin


Shared feedback and experiences training with Coach Brett

“Literally given this organization life and limb, a special member of our community”

— Matt Hesse, Founder and President of the University of Health & Performance

“We have made big impacts on so many students because of what you bring each time you coach.”

CSM Rick Megoloff III, Vice President of Operations

"Everything right about UHP."

Hunter Schurrer, M.Ed, CSCS, Vice President of Training

Missouri State University - Men’s Lacrosse

“Coach Brett has been an extremely knowledgeable and professional coach for both my personal powerlifting prep and for my lacrosse team. Every exercise or warmup has a “why” behind it,  and showing how it will actually enhance our training and performance. Brett is able to answer all questions you might have and is also a great person to be around” - A. Zoph, Club President

"Took the time to teach us, train with us, serve us; always raw and authentic. Always intentional with our training and us individually."

— Frankie, UHP Alumni

Both athletes made a return to the powerlifting platform post-injury and hit some PRs despite high-op-tempo lives personally and professionally.

Time flies…

One part at a time, one day at a time, we can accomplish any goal we set for ourselves. If a goal is worth having, it's worth blocking out the time in your day-to-day life necessary to achieve it.

"Last year, I reached out to Brett for help to get my health back on track. At our initial meet-up, Brett had me complete a series of exercises to see where my starting point was. I was unable to complete a push-up, struggling to do a body squat, and had very poor coordination/mobility. I was always the mom who sat it out, watched from the side, and rarely ventured out with my kids alone because I couldn't keep up with them. Fast forward to today, I'm able to do all those exercises I struggled with before with ease, my kids are now the ones that struggle to keep up with me and I've increased my muscle mass by 8%. Brett's approach to coaching has eased my anxiety at the gym.

He's been supportive, understanding, and encouraged me to push through when I didn't think I was capable. He doesn't just program a workout. He takes the time to really tailor it to your needs and explains the purpose behind each set he's programmed. I appreciate his attentive nature. Anytime l've had a question, he's answered it in a timely manner. Brett has been an amazing coach, I'm extremely proud and thankful to be one of his clients. The knowledge, health benefits, and supportive team l've gained while working with Brett has significantly improved my quality of life, and I'll be forever grateful for it all."


"I stumbled on Brett's page by luck, and boy oh boy did I hit the jackpot. A beacon of knowledge and experience! He has successfully taken on the challenge of an overseas trainee with limited home gym. Coach B is understanding and accommodates to my individual mental and physical obstacles; patiently finding solutions to ensure continued progress. I never feel like I am missing out on anything. It's been a little over a year as training with Brett, and I have nearly perfected the technique of all three main lifts, added a tremendous amount of work volume, and enhanced endurance. Here's to many more years of working, and growing, on this transformation journey!


"I hired Brett as my personal trainer and I have been completely blown away by his professionalism and my results during our time we have worked together. He puts a lot of care, skill, and effort into his training program every week. He is working from a solid knowledge base, and his results speak for themselves. We've worked together twice a week. During this time, we use TrainhHeroic, which makes tracking my progress and communication simple if we need to have a remote session.

Strides were made quickly, I have consistently been able to hit very satisfying personal records in a short amount of time. I have made progress with him that I did not with other trainers or using other programs for much longer. He empowers me to push hard and is always prepared to make any adjustments or explain the logic behind why we're doing a certain exercise. He provides excellent cues. I have been able to engage my body in exercises effectively improve posture and how I move. I don't just feel stronger, I know I'm stronger and its even supported by data!

My progress inspires me to go back to the gym, work hard every session, and continue giving my best every time. I am absolutely delighted and privileged to work with him. I am stronger inside the gym and outside of it, and I truly am grateful and lucky to be working with him."


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